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Search results for ' Ancient One (Ultimate)'.

'The only two countries that could have given birth to Hollywood and Bollywood'

'The only two countries that could have given birth to Hollywood and Bollywood'

Rediff.com1 Oct 2014

'We are two countries that, as Swami Vivekananda said in Chicago more than a century ago, have sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations on Earth.' 'People are watching to wait and see if this Modi moment is going to be the moment when the world's oldest democracy and the world's largest democracy finally capitalise on the full, inherent potential of this relationship.' Aziz Haniffa/ reports from the State Department's lunch for Prime Minister Modi.

A unique Navratri and Dussehra in a Tamil Nadu temple

A unique Navratri and Dussehra in a Tamil Nadu temple

Rediff.com30 Sep 2014

Celebrations in Mutharamman Temple in Kulasekharapattinam, a coastal town in Tamil Nadu, have devotees visit the temple in an avatar of their choice. They could be dressed as kings or beggars, monkeys or demons, but the more popular is different forms of the Devi.

A unique Navratri and Dussehra in a Tamil Nadu temple

A unique Navratri and Dussehra in a Tamil Nadu temple

Rediff.com30 Sep 2014

Celebrations in Mutharamman Temple in Kulasekharapattinam, a coastal town in Tamil Nadu, have devotees visit the temple in an avatar of their choice. They could be dressed as kings or beggars, monkeys or demons, but the more popular is different forms of the Devi.

PM Modi's 1st interview: India, China have grown at similar paces

PM Modi's 1st interview: India, China have grown at similar paces

Rediff.com22 Sep 2014

Narendra Modi speaks to CNN's Fareed Zakaria in his first interview after becoming prime minister. The excerpts

6 lessons for YOU from India's freedom movement

6 lessons for YOU from India's freedom movement

Rediff.com19 Aug 2014

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's 1882 classic, Anandamath (Abbey of Bliss) offers all the inspiration you need.

Does heroism come with a sell-by date?

Does heroism come with a sell-by date?

Rediff.com11 Mar 2013

Wherever you look, heroism seems to be on the retreat. Is this a modern malaise or are heroes doomed to fall, asks Arundhuti Dasgupta.

We are made for this moment; we'll seize it: Obama

We are made for this moment; we'll seize it: Obama

Rediff.com21 Jan 2013

Barack H Obama was on Monday sworn-in as President of the United States for a second term. Here's the transcript of the speech he gave at Capitol Hill shortly after the swearing-in ceremony

Dalai Lama to attend Jaipur literature fest

Dalai Lama to attend Jaipur literature fest

Rediff.com21 Jan 2013

This year, the much-anticipated Jaipur Literature Festival will have a special touch of spirituality, with an underlying theme of Buddha's influence on the literary world. And who better than the Dalai Lama to throw open this discussion?

Now PUCL condemns Kasab's execution

Now PUCL condemns Kasab's execution

Rediff.com23 Nov 2012

Prominent human rights body People's Union of Civil Liberties has condemned 26/11 Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab's hanging. In a press release, PUCL also pointed out that Kasab was only a foot soldier, and the masterminds of the 26/11 terror strikes are still at large.

No reason to ban long putters, says Scott

No reason to ban long putters, says Scott

Rediff.com6 Nov 2012

Adam Scott shot down a putter rule change suggestion by Tiger Woods on Tuesday and told golf's governing bodies to focus on more pressing issues as the Australian leapt to the defence of controversial long putters.

Nothing diminishes the fact that we are a Great Nation

Nothing diminishes the fact that we are a Great Nation

Rediff.com13 May 2012

The history of our nation may not always have charted a linear trajectory to greatness. But that must not distract us from recognising that we as a nation we continue to find new and innovative ways to reconcile contradictions, transcend fault-lines thus avoiding the pitfalls of so many of our neighbours, says Shashi Shekhar.

John Carter: First flop of 2012?

John Carter: First flop of 2012?

Rediff.com12 Mar 2012

One of the reasons the film did not generate hyper interest was that it came a couple of decades after hugely successful films of the same type.

Should India be condemned to suffer vote bank politics forever?

Should India be condemned to suffer vote bank politics forever?

Rediff.com15 Sep 2011

We must make politics that uses demographic identity as a wedge, less and less relevant, says Shashi Shekhar.

Do public sector boards serve any purpose?

Do public sector boards serve any purpose?

Rediff.com12 Jul 2011

These boards need to function efficiently to maximise the wealth of the nation.

Revealed! History of the Ashes

Revealed! History of the Ashes

Rediff.com24 Nov 2010

A tiny, dark-red, terracotta urn containing ashes of indeterminate origin and deemed too fragile to leave the cloistered hush of the Lord's ground museum is the focus of one of the world's great sporting rivalries.

Obama's address to Parliament: The transcript

Obama's address to Parliament: The transcript

Rediff.com8 Nov 2010

The transcript of the speech President Barack Obama delivered in Parliament on Monday evening

A champion salutes another champion

A champion salutes another champion

Rediff.com18 Aug 2010

'What heartens me is that Tejaswani's road to medals continues to be one where family and friends remain the lynch-pin of the journey,' says Roopa Unnikrishnan whose 12-year-old Indian shooting record was broken by Tejaswini Sawant last fortnight.

Raavanan is better than Raavan

Raavanan is better than Raavan

Rediff.com18 Jun 2010

Saisuresh Sivaswamy discovers that you can take a Tamil director out of Tamil Nadu, but you can't take Tamil Nadu out of him.

'Community should respect America's plularism'

'Community should respect America's plularism'

Rediff.com21 May 2010

One of the most prominent of Indian immigrants in America, Subash Razdan has, along with his wife Raj, made America his home for more than 34 years. Among his many achievements are leading the effort to have a Mahatma Gandhi statute in Atlanta at the museum that honors Martin Luther King Jr., the highly influential activist who was inspired by the Mahatma.

Campaign against caste: 'It's a national shame'

Campaign against caste: 'It's a national shame'

Rediff.com18 May 2010

On May 11 we launched our campaign against caste in census 2011 and responses from readers have been pouring in. While some merely clicked the 'I am against the caste census' button, others were more vocal. We present what our readers had to say.

Iron Man 2 leads the charge this summer

Iron Man 2 leads the charge this summer

Rediff.com4 May 2010

Iron Man 2 boosts the early summer season with a huge opening.

My heart is in India,says Sayed Haider Raza

My heart is in India,says Sayed Haider Raza

Rediff.com10 Mar 2010

Legendary artist Sayed Haider Raza speaks to Payal Mohanka about roots and compassion

'There is no such thing as apolitical'

'There is no such thing as apolitical'

Rediff.com18 Feb 2010

Balmurli Natrajan, anthropology professor at the William Paterson University in New Jersey, is one of the most visible campus activists in the country. He is involved with the South Asia Solidarity Initiative, which impacts public discourse in the United States.

Some interesting trivia on loans

Some interesting trivia on loans

Rediff.com2 Feb 2010

Individuals who lent money on interest have played a major role in structuring our current banking system.

Eyewitness: How the Babri Masjid was felled

Eyewitness: How the Babri Masjid was felled

Rediff.com24 Nov 2009

In the wake of the Liberhan commision's report being tabled in Parliament, Sharat Pradhan recounts the day the Babri Masjid was felled.

Learn from mistakes to master art of investing

Learn from mistakes to master art of investing

Rediff.com7 Sep 2009

Listen better so you can learn better. Learn better so you can invest better.

Da Vinci Code follow-up takes on the Illuminati

Da Vinci Code follow-up takes on the Illuminati

Rediff.com1 May 2009

Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican in the adaptation of Angels & Demons, a prequel to the 2006 smash hit Da Vinci Code.

Napier: The score and more

Napier: The score and more

Rediff.com2 Mar 2009

India meets New Zealand in the first ODI of the five-match series on March 3 at McLean Park, Napier. Here's a statistical outlook of the cricket at the venue.

He lives by the give-nothing-take-nothing rule

He lives by the give-nothing-take-nothing rule

Rediff.com4 Feb 2009

Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami is a stickler. For rules. For details. For discipline. For principles. For values. For him, there is only one way of doing things: The right way. He is known to make copious notes about how every hour of his day passes. "He jots down details in a tiny diary. Even if you speak to him on the phone for a few minutes, your name and details of the conversation go into that tiny diary," revealed a friend who has known the CEC for 20 years.

Steel amid adversity: Tata after Mumbai

Steel amid adversity: Tata after Mumbai

Rediff.com9 Dec 2008

Ironically, one of his greatest challenges during the coming year will be writing himself out of the script.

Indian epic, universal resonance

Indian epic, universal resonance

Rediff.com23 Oct 2008

The Ramayana remains ever popular across the globe, and now it has gone to Broadway, finds Arthur J Pais.

Where should I do my MBA?

Where should I do my MBA?

Rediff.com9 Oct 2008

The decision to go abroad for the MBA was made, but when the time came to decide where exactly to go, the number and variety of options was baffling me, to say the least!

US outsourcing drug research to India

US outsourcing drug research to India

Rediff.com6 Sep 2008

US giants are rushing to partner with Indian and Chinese companiestapping their brainpower and saving millions of dollars in the search for breakthrough treatments

'Men believe women always wear sexy underwear'

'Men believe women always wear sexy underwear'

Rediff.com13 Aug 2008

As part of an ongoing series, we publish the third excerpt from Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan's first book, You Are Here, to be launched August 15 by Penguin India.

World's most amazing bridges

World's most amazing bridges

Rediff.com8 Aug 2008

From a bridge that connects two continents to one that inspires eternal love, 10 structures that guarantee a memorable journey.

Drawing lessons from the Kabul bombing

Drawing lessons from the Kabul bombing

Rediff.com9 Jul 2008

Each time an Indian life was lost, the top officials in Delhi reiterated their resolve not to be deterred by terrorists. A high level meeting of officials ensued to take stock of the security of the Indian personnel in Afghanistan. We, then, moved on. But does that approach suffice? Is anyone listening out there in the Hindu Kush? Isn't a comprehensive relook of policy warranted?

Proving the historicity of Ram

Proving the historicity of Ram

Rediff.com14 Apr 2008

Valmiki knew Ram to be a human, a noble man, the best of his era and in his time wrote the Ramayana as both were contemporary. He has also shown Ram to possess human traits and emotions, just like any ordinary person. We, in our blind faith, have accentuated the question marks on the historicity of Ram and Ramayana by treating Ramayana like a fable and depicting its noble characters as birds and animals.

10 positive things about the events in Tibet

10 positive things about the events in Tibet

Rediff.com7 Apr 2008

The wretched of the earth have stood up and invited themselves to the Great Game.

India faces a huge urban crisis

India faces a huge urban crisis

Rediff.com8 Feb 2008

India is facing a massive urban crisis, whose solution is nowhere in sight.

GRE: Revised sentence completion

GRE: Revised sentence completion

Rediff.com7 Dec 2007

Answers and explanations to yesterday's GRE questions.

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